January 2015

January 8, 2015
A New Journey
The first dream I had when I was little of what I wanted to be when I “grew up” was to be a ballerina (I started ballet when I was two). After I was in my first musical when I was four years old, I decided I wanted to be on broadway instead. And soon after, I decided I wanted to be a singer and songwriter. I obviously decided to stick to my dream of being a singer. I haven’t been in a musical or a play in about six years because I have focused solely on writing and performing my own music, and I miss it.
*Pictured is me as Baby June in “Gypsy” from 2006*
So, I am going to start auditioning for small roles here and there and I have started taking classes again. I had my first group class last night and I am really excited, but I was nervous before going in because I had absolutely no idea what it was going to be like.
It was a little bit scary! You have to allow yourself to be vulnerable in front of complete strangers and it is hard for me to be vulnerable even with people whom I am really close with and trust with my life. It was definitely a challenge. Once I realized that everyone was in the exact same boat, I let all of my reservations go and the presence of the other people didn’t matter anymore.
We did this whole relaxation technique and it was hard for me to relax. I know that I tend to be very calculated with my body movements and it is hard for me to be completely free with my body, but I eventually got the hang of it. I had to just take a leap and go all in (or at least try my best to go all in).
Once I took that leap and jumped off the cliff that held all of my worries, the exercises I was doing became so much easier- I was free. I can compare it to that moment when I am performing when I completely and totally lose myself. I get so into the moment of whatever song I am performing that I black out. I never remember how well I did or what exactly I did after I finish, I just know I did it. I bare my soul through using my voice and last night I was able to lose myself in a brand new way with acting, it was definitely an interesting feeling.
*Pictured is a photo from a performance in 2012*
There is such an interesting psychology behind that. I have read about how there are tons of different ways we can alter our state of mind without using alcohol or drugs (through prayer, meditation, etc.) and this “losing myself” feels like one of them. It feels like I literally become something or someone else- fascinating. It’s like a natural high.
Anyways, I am really excited to go on a new journey with acting and explore “losing myself” more in every way possible.

January 1, 2015
Happy New Year!
HAPPY 2015!
Last night I got the chance to perform at The Leonora in New York City and I can not think of a better way to ring in the start of a new year full of an unending amount of possibilities than to perform.
I found out that I was booked to perform on Christmas Eve. Although that was like the best Christmas present ever, I really had no time to find an outfit to perform in! Thank God that about a week before Christmas, I had gone to Patricia Field’s in NYC to finish shopping for gifts and I happened to have tried on the most fabulous red sequined mandarin dress, just for fun. The dress was wayyyyy too short for me (it was more like a long T-shirt), but my mom is a genius and thought of making velvet panels to add to the bottom to match the velvet notch details on the bodice of the dress. The store thankfully still had the dress, so I picked it up when I returned to the city from spending Christmas in my hometown with my family. My mom and I worked together to make the panels and sewed them onto the dress. The result was perfection! I am so unbelievably obsessed with this dress, it couldn’t fit me any better.
On New Year’s Eve, the big night, I had a mini New Year celebration with my amazing friend Nami before heading to the club. We sang and danced to every Pharrell song, so fun, and took crazy photos with our sparkly “2015” glasses and then we ended up heading over to the club around 11pm to get the party started.
The Leonora was packed, I’m assuming past maximum capacity, and everyone was dancing and celebrating. I got to do the countdown to midnight and everyone went crazy! Shortly after the start of 2015, I performed “Avalanche” and “Catch A Star For You” with everyone dancing and it was so much fun. I believe in the superstition that whatever you are doing in the very first seconds of a new year foreshadows the type of year that is to come. Because I was performing, I wholeheartedly believe that 2015 will be a year of performing for me, and nothing could make me happier.
2015 is sure to be an amazing year and I hope for peace, prosperity, happiness, and joy for everyone! I hope that the motivation and positive outlook that everyone has now, at the start of 2015, will only grow stronger and provide for the right mindset for everyone to make this year the best one yet. “Sugar and spice, and everything nice”; Glitter and gold, and sparkles so bold.